Window or Mirror

In language arts we are learning if a book is either a window or mirror. A window book means that you’re looking into the environment that you’re almost looking into a new world different from your own, and in most places you can’t really connect to it with your own experiences. While a mirror book is a book that you can connect to, “reflect” on so to speak. And on this post I’m going to talk about how I experience mirror and window moments from this book, Spy School.

I can definitely connect Spy school to being a window type book. Looking into this espionage type environment is something that I can’t connect to but more thoroughly enjoy. While the setting can be similar as it’s not extremely “sci-fi,” I would still picture this book a more “mirror” book.

Well I think Spy School is more of a window book there are still some moments where I believe it is a mirror book. Because we follow a teenager named Ben Ripley, he still faces teenager circumstances that an average teenager would face. As well I can connect to the main characters feelings of going into an espionage environment and being confused but at the same time excited what the future can face.


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