Tree Books: The Experience


About two months our Language Arts class started making our own “tree” books. We made these books to show creativity and the love we have for family members. In these tree books we wished for a better future, wrote about a family member and much more!

When we say tree books what we mean is we built this book using akua ink and different colored paper to give the art idea of a tree In these tree books we show our architect design, the world is your art with this project. There’s  really know right or wrong its just build a design that you like.

In these books we have writing that wished for big dreams, the sky is the limit for these. We also wrote about a family member/relative about how much they cared for us. These are called “root” writing and fit the whole tree theme.

As well, when it comes to the creation of the tree we used a paint roller and rolled over pieces of paper to use as the color, for the “trunk” of the tree book we used cardboard. As well one the main things that stand out about our project is we get use use scrap piece of paper we cut to use as background design for out tree. This adds an extra layer that I find really cool and is something that there’s really know write or wrong with how you can go about doing it.

Through this “embarking”  Journey we put our tree books right next to a famous art gallery that holds pictures worth 1,000 of dollars. It’s a cool concept to think that out 6th grade art is going up in a big art gallery. We could than go to that art gallery featuring all of our created tree books and see everyone’s else’s books and there artistic style or ideas.

Overall, this was a very unique experience and I must say I did enjoy it a lot so with that being said I’m going to be ending off this blog post.


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